Friday, June 1, 2007

Convocation Responses

We have received countless emails from individuals who wished to provide feedback on the conference. Here are some quotes. Please leave your own comments below.

"I was beginning to feel there was no longer a value to be an artist in a post modern society. I have almost no support from my church, and the public wants cheap, easy pictures. The weekend helped me to remember my intentions and to continue to have the courage to seek God in this and to yield to his plans."

"Another thing I wanted to note was the quality of the questions from conference attendees to the speakers. There was a thoughtfulness, understanding, and intelligence which was remarkable, across the board. I was inspired, disturbed, challenged, affirmed, and delighted. I knew no one going to the conference. God opened doors for me."

"The Washington Arts Group should get the 2007 award for most speakers and topics in the shortest amount of time. It was a cultural marathon and I loved it."

"I took fifty pages of notes each day."

"Truly, it was an amazing confluence of annointed artists, craftsmen, and communicators all seeking to impact their context in the power of the Holy Spirit. The people I met have opened my eyes and expanded my vision to what God has done and is doing through creative expression around the world. It was a high honor to meet our Russian, Armenian, and New Zealander artists. Every moment at the plenary sessions and in the hallways was yet another surprise - A life giving moment of encouragement and exhilaration of redemption and grace."

"The emcee humorist, Eric Metaxas, referred to the momentous event as 'an embarrasment of riches'. One of the greatest gifts of participating [in Jumping Out of the Self-Referential Box] was the questions it raised, the disagreement it provoked, and the joy it evoked. I am grateful for entering into the travail of the unknown amidst boredom, post-modern pride and pleasant surprise."

"By chance I found myself on Friday evening at National Presbyterian, waiting in the lobby to be let into the concert. As monastic chants drifted beneath the doorways, I couldn't help but notice statues of saints all around me including my beloved St. Francis...the Spirit moved and I decided to stay for the whole weekend."

"I felt last weekend was a glorious rerouting for me. God knew what I needed and brought me to you all."

"The people you invited...were some of the most authentic and genuine people I have ever encountered. Every person I fell into conversation with had such depth that I knew even if I spent a whole lifetime in conversation with them, I would never be able to...consume the entirety of who they were."

"I was also struck by the natural coupling of deep faith with an attentiveness to the poor and needy in the world..."

"I walked away with a renewed sense of validity as a Christian in the arts. I feel as though craft matters nearly as much as my faith and obedience to God. Thank you for insipring me back to high art."

1 comment:

dix said...

Hello Rachel/Jerry,
I'm a roommate of Becky Beeh's in Germany and she has told me so much about your passion involved in art and the world and faith. She forwarded a recent email with gorgeous shots of Russia--which incidentally is where I'm hoping to move to study art in the next few years. Where could I find out more about this event you had? Luci Shaw is one of my favorite poets--I was impressed she attended. Did you organize this?

~Délice Harris